This year long sponsorship offers SMART members recoginition on multiple digital platforms visible to both members and non members.
SMART members have the opportunity become a digital sponsor for one year. The SMART website receives approximately 10,000 page views per month and 75% of those views are from new visitors . SMART launched a mobile app that allows members to use all the functions of the SMART website on their mobiles devices.
Your company information will be seen by all visitors to the website. This app will allow members to use all the functions of the SMART website on their mobile devices.
Sponsorship includes:
· A custom image on the main page of the SMART website that links to your company's website
· Your company logo featured in the Members Only section of the SMART website
· Your company logo featured on the public facing membership directory.
· A custom image displayed in the SMART mobile app.
· NEW - Company logo displayed in all SMARTTalk Newsletters (6 per year).
Cost: $2000 (for one calendar year)
Requirements: High resolution image sized to 400 pxls wide X 130 pxls high