12/4/2024 - SMART Executive Director Susan DeCourcey Featured in Montgomery Magazine
10/23/2024 - Open Letter to Jon Woodward and W5: Clarifying Textile Recycling
10/1/2024 - Groundbreaking Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 Signed by California Governor
5/31/2024 - SMART President Brian London's Letter to the Editor is published in the Washington Post
4/10/2024 - SMART Participates in the Carolina Recycling Association's 34th Annual Conference & Trade Show
3/20/2024 - SMART Elects New Officers and Directors
2/9/2024 - Safeguarding Global Maritime Security: A Call to Action from SMART
2/8/2024 - Joint Global Trade Association Open Letter Urging Maritime Security and Safety
6/10/22 - Chinese fashion giant to donate millions of dollars to recycling | West Observer
5/3/2022 - Textiles outlook: Ukraine war hits quality market
5/1/2022 - Kenya’s mitumba dealers push for setting up of re-export facilities