about smart

Board of Directors


Brian London

Brian London
Whitehouse & Schapiro LLC

Brian Rubin

Brian Rubin
Erie Cotton Products


Drew Weinberg

Vice President
Drew Weinberg
OVASCO Industries

Steve Rees

Immediate Past President
Steve Rees
Wipeco Industries



Gloria Avendano

Gloria Avendano
Global Marine Transportation, Inc.

Steven Bethell

Steven Bethell
Bank and Vogue Limited / Limitee


Gina Buty

Gina Buty
American Textile & Supply, Inc.

Joe Howlett

Joe Howlett
St. Pauly Textile, Inc.


Munir Hussain

Munir Hussain
Textile Recycler, Inc.

Harold Kalfus

Harold Kalfus
Rescon GmbH


Usman Kappaya

Usman Kappaya
J & K Textile International Pvt. Ltd.

Marisa Adler

Associate Member Director
Marisa Adler
Resource Recycling Systems